For some background, I gravitate toward synths like u-he Bazille and Zebra, NI Massive X, Tracktion F'em, and so on. There are certainly sound designers and musicians with greater knowledge and accomplishments than me, but I still consider myself a "power user." That said, Generate has quickly become a favorite in my synth lineup; compared to my usual synths, Generate is simple. But the simplicity here is about efficiency, not lack of depth. It can be programmed with great speed and little effort while achieving a remarkable variety of timbre and effects. This is a genuinely superb synth. Good sounds just fall out of it. I love the unique sound character. And while I don't have a rational explanation for it, Generate provides the same physical sensation I get when using a hardware synth: something intangible which objectively doesn't show up in a recording, but somehow feels different at the time of creating.